Please bear with me while I update the look of the website. There are some exciting things coming this way.
Along with the new theme, I will be adding a new service, WordPress SetUps.
It’s important that a business has a web presence. In this day and age, not having one can actually hurt your business. However, many small businesses don’t have the budget to hire a web designer and most people wouldn’t know html from php. This is where I come in.
You buy the domain and I can install and set up WordPress. I offer three packages to choose from.
I’ve set up several websites on WordPress, including my own.
This is the perfect solution for the cash-strapped entrepreneur who needs a website, but doesn’t have the tech savvy to do it themselves.
Let me help you get started today. For more information, visit the page WordPress Setups.
The post Site Updates appeared first on Katherine Kramer.