It’s Friday and I’ve rounded up some links for you.
It seems that August is a slow time for freelancers, so the writing blogosphere became one big virtual pep talk. Here are a few of those bloggy pep talks.
Why Being a Sellout Will Help You Write What You Love-A bloggy pep talk from Carol Tice. Writing about such unglamorous topics such as business or computer networks is not selling out. You can still write what you love and write on those topics that aren’t so glamorous. For me personally, I need both types of writing in my life.
7 Reasons Storytelling is Important in Content Marketing- I found this post via Copyblogger. It stresses something that I also believe is very important in freelancing. Creative writing makes you a better copy writer and you can use elements of creative writing in your copy writing.
The Writing Class You Never Had-Jeff Goins offers up this post as encouragement and to give a starting point for people to start writing. And it’s okay beat back your inner critic to write nonsense if that’s all you have.
The post Friday Link Round-up appeared first on Katherine Kramer.